Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Good God, Ya'll.

Since my random spam of entries, I've been in a sort of tizzy.

I wanted to post pics of some artists I found of influence to me a few weeks ago, but the blog ate my post, and the will to redo such after going through the hunt for images and loading them up here sapped my want to spend another hour regurgitating my efforts.

Then I got distracted with life.

(C'est la vie, non?)


I think post-graduation time has been good for me as far as getting to deal with the whole 'You got an art degree, are you serious about what you want to do with it?' choice we all have to go through. I've found that, yes, what I wan to do, and see myself doing to live a fulfilled life is to make things. LOTS of things... actually... I want to continue to make my art, and have the freedom to do so, but I also want to be able to suppliment this need by also making other things that interest me like jewellry, soap, essential oils, salves and so forth. I've been interested in scent and the way it ties to our memories so profoundly for years, and added to equal interest in scent plays of multiple strands and nature... myeah.

I'm thinking it's all pooling together from the deep roots I have here in The Hill. I keep pulling at it for resources in the clay, the environment in which I want to make my sculptures (very excited about revisiting the creek and building bodies in there, oh man), the flowers I'm drying out to make jewellry out of and to incorporate into my work as reliquary items, everything.

And with the economy in the shithole, if you can't find a job, why don't you just make one for yourself and be your own boss?? Mom's said she always wanted to own her own business, and I think if we really wanted to do it, we could. Locally maybe not so much (sorry Eddyvegas, but you are friggin' tiny and hardly any small business that starts there that doesn't involve food or tourism tends to wither and die), but the internet is an untapped source of possible buyers.

I fear I sound naive, and odds are I am, but I feel good about this prospect, and the idea that it could make other people happy in turn.

I also think talking to artists in the Lowertown Arts District has helped nudged me into this path a bit as well. It really is a lot of fun getting to meet them. I'm planning on getting coffee and swinging through there tomorrow or Wednesday, since I need to look for spray-on resin for some of the flowers if the brushed on method turns out to be a disaster.

We're working on getting together a building to be in the yard that would act as my studio, and my fingers are getting twitchy at the concept of being able to crank out some body parts.

Until then, I've started looking at some of the shows I get notices about taking entries for juried exhibition.

Be fearless, be fearless, be fearless!!

I'm excited.

I kind of feel like that kid standing on the side of the pool wiggling her toes as she prepares to attempt her first dive.

Wish me luck.



  1. haha ... u said eddyvegas.

    good luck on getting a business started!

    nice blog by the way. i subscribed to it with my google reader. check out mine: http://animepunk2103.wordpress.com

  2. I'm so excited for you~! I know that edge-of-the-pool feeling you're talking about. It sounds like things are going to swing favorably for you on all fronts. You, your mother and your efforts are in my prayers.
